Archive | April, 2014

After Computer,Laptop and Smartphone botnet , Its time for smart devices such as TV’s,refrigerators to be infected

6 Apr

Remember those days of 1990’s wherein the first interesting news of infecting millions of computers creating botnets and thus used for various malicious purposes like Spamming , Mass-mailing , Open proxying and what not.

Now its time to move on (may be) , Hacking and thus infecting smart devices such as TV’s,refrigerators, is the latest news.

Typically these smart appliances are equipped with WI-fi and touch screen providing various options , able to communicate to their compatible devices. They also allow their owners to control them remotely via internet so as to schedule things , know the status of groceries etc!

Now security firm Proof point study reveals the infection of at least 100,000 smart devices such as TV’s,refrigerators , have been used to send spam throughout the world. Now these would be part of a botnet and can do variety of things.

This proves the point that anything can be infected with.. 😦

Want to know more ? , Check :

5 year kid acknowledged as Microsoft ‘researcher’ after hacking Xbox account

5 Apr

Microsoft Security is not a child’s play but a child proved it incorrect , A kid named Kristoffer Von Hassel managed to access his father’s XBOX online account.

This little genius tried his father’s xbox account with incorrect passwords for a couple of times and has reached the password verification page , where he entered couple of spaces to “log-in” to the account!

This flaw made Microsoft acknowledge the 5 year old as a “Researcher” on its site along with couple of goodies including $50 , 4 Games and a free annual subscription to XBOX Live.

Refer : and